Bókverkasýningin í Kristiansand Kunsthall | Nordic Artist Books – exhibition in Norway

🇮🇸 Norræna bókverkasýningin KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig, sem opnaði 2. september í Kristiansand Kunsthall í Noregi, hefur vakið verðskuldaða athygli. Níu ARKIR taka þátt, en einn annar íslenskur listamaður á verk á sýningunni því bókverk Magnúsar Pálssonar, The Offs, var fengið að láni frá Nýlistasafninu.

Öll umfjöllun hefur verið jákvæð og fagleg. Frida Forsgren, dósent í listasögu, skrifaði m.a. eftirfarandi í greininni „Begjær for bøker“ í dagblaðinu Fædrelandsvennen:

„Bókasýning hljómar kannski heldur þurrlega? En látið ekki blekkjast. Ný sýning listasafnsins er skynræn og grípandi og nær sannarlega að sprengja mörk þess hvað lestrarupplifun bókar getur verið. […] Því sýningin er umfangs- og efnismikil. Þetta er einfaldlega bókasafn innan bókasafns og myndi þarfnast fleiri heimsókna svo hægt væri að fanga öll blæbrigði á öllum þessum bókasíðum. En það er kannski ekki svo mikilvægt að upplifa öll smáatriðin? Það sem skiptir mestu máli hér er gleðin yfir bókinni, pappírnum, ríkulegu myndlýsingunum, handverkinu og öllum þeim möguleikum sem opnast á hverri síðu. Sjálf gleðin yfir áþreifanlegu efni og formi bókarinnar. Og þessi sýning nær svo sannarlega að höfða til hennar.“

ARKIR gerðu sér ferð á opnun sýningarinnar í byrjun september og tóku þátt í fróðlegri og skemmtilegri málstofu um bókverkalistina. Það var samdóma álit að sýningarstjórarnir, þær stöllur í Codex Polaris: Randi Annie Strand, Imi Maufe og Rita Marhaug, hefðu ásamt starfsfólki Kunsthallen skapað einstaklega fallega og magnaða sýningu.

🇬🇧 The exhibition ‘KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig’ – Nordic Artist Books – was opened on Sept 2nd in Kristiansand Kunsthall, Norway, and it has attracted well-deserved attention. Nine members of ARKIR participated and made a trip to the opening of the exhibition, as well as taking part in an interesting seminar on the art of books. The exhibition was a true delight to visit, thanks to the awesome curators, the trio of Codex Polaris: Randi Annie Strand, Imi Maufe and Rita Marhaug, and the staff of Kristiansand Kunsthall. They had created a beautiful and amazing exhibition.

All coverage in the media has been highly positive. Frida Forsgren, associate professor in art history, wrote thus in an article in the newspaper Fædrelandsvennen: Begjær for bøker (Lust for books):

You might think that a book exhibition sounds a bit dry? But don’t be fooled. The art gallery’s new exhibition is sensual and engaging, and really masters to push the boundaries of what a book reading experience can be. […] Because the exhibition is massive. It is simply a library within a library that requires several visits if one is to be able to capture all the nuances on all these book pages. But perhaps it is not so important to get everything in every detail? The most important thing here is the joy of the book, the paper, the rich illustrations, the craftsmanship, and all the possibilities that open up on every page. The delight of feeling the physical form and material of the book. And this exhibition really manages to appeal to that.

🇮🇸 Hér fyrir neðan má sjá myndir af verkum ARKA sýningunni. Ljósmyndari: Tor Simen Ulstein.
Fleiri myndir má sjá hér á myndasíðu tileinkaðri sýningunni.
🇬🇧 Below are photos of works of ARKIR in the exhibition. Photographer: Tor Simen Ulstein.
For more photos from the exhibition see this page!

Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka | Click on the images for larger view

🇮🇸 Sýningin KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig er yfirlitssýning á norrænum bókverkum með þátttöku listamanna frá öllum Norðurlöndunum. Sýningin er einkum tileinkuð einstökum bókverkum sem falla utan hefðbundinna fjölfaldaðra bókverka. Sýningarstjórn var í höndum listahópsins Codex Polaris í samvinnu við Kristiansand Kunsthall og Kristiansand folkebibliotek. Sýningin opnaði 2. september og stendur til 29. október 2023.

🇬🇧 The exhibition ‘KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig’ in Kristiansand Kunsthall, Norway, is a retrospective exhibition of Nordic artist book with the participation of artists from all the Nordic countries. The exhibition is mainly dedicated to unique book art that fall outside the traditional multiple works. The exhibition is curated by Codex Polaris in collaboration with Kristiansand Kunsthall and Kristiansand folkebibliotek. The exhibition opened September 2, and runs until October 29, 2023.

Þátttakendur | Participating Artists and Artists groups:
ARKIR Book Arts Group (IS): Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Jóhanna M. Tryggvadóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir;
Susanna Autio (FI), Crow Press (NO), Michal Czinege (SK/FI), Olle Essvik (SE), Carina Fihn (SE),
Karin Hald (DK), Halden Bookworks (NO), Eeva-Liisa Isomaa (FI), Thomas Iversen (NO), Kurt Johannessen (NO), Sarah Jost (SE/NO), Kamilla Jørgensen (DK), Ane Thon Knutsen (NO), Margrethe Kühle (DK/NO), Hans Ragnar Mathisen (NO), Terje Nicolaisen (NO), Lina Nordenström (SE), Magnus Pálsson (IS), Karen Pettersen (NO), Pist Protta (DK), Sandborg+Higgins (NO/UK), Kimmo Schroderus (FI), Marja-Leena Sillanpää (SE), Emilia Tanner (FI), Richard Årlin (SE).

Tenglar | Links:
Kristiansand Kunsthall, Rådhusgata 11, Kristiansand, Norway
Sýningarstjórn | Curator: Codex Polaris.

Bókverkasýning í Noregi | KUNSTNERBOKEN i Kristiansand Kunsthall

🇮🇸 Nú líður senn að því að sýningin KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig opni í Kristiansand Kunsthall í Noregi. Sýningin er yfirlitssýning á norrænum bókverkum með þátttöku listamanna frá öllum Norðurlöndunum. Sýningin er einkum tileinkuð einstökum bókverkum sem falla utan hefðbundinna fjölfaldaðra bókverka. Sýningarstjórn er í höndum listahópsins Codex Polaris í samvinnu við Kristiansand Kunsthall and Kristiansand folkebibliotek. Sýningin opnar 2. september og stendur til 29. október 2023.

Þátttakendur úr hópi ARKA eru Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Jóhanna M. Tryggvadóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

Í tengslum við sýninguna er boðað til málstofu um bókverk þann 1. september.

Kristiansand Kunsthall, Rådhusgata 11, Kristiansand.
Sýningarstjórn: Codex Polaris.
Málstofa 1. september. Dagskrá.

Verk: | artwork by Jóhanna M Tryggvadóttir – Heartbeat

🇬🇧 The exhibition KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig – Nordic Artist Books – will open soon in Kristiansand Kunsthall, Norway. This is an exhibition of works by artists and artists groups from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It will take place in Kristiansand Kunsthall, from September 2 until October 29, 2023.

Participating from the ARKIR group are: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Jóhanna M. Tryggvadóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

‘KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig’ i Kristiansand Kunsthall, Norway, is a retrospective exhibition of Nordic artist book with the participation of artists from all the Nordic countries. The exhibition is mainly dedicated to unique book art that fall outside the traditional multiple works. The exhibition is curated by Codex Polaris in collaboration with Kristiansand Kunsthall and Kristiansand folkebibliotek. The exhibition opens September 2, and runs until October 29, 2023.

Participating Artists and Artists groups: ARKIR Book Arts Group (IS), Susanna Autio (FI), Crow Press (NO), Michal Czinege (SK/FI), Olle Essvik (SE), Carina Fihn (SE),
Karin Hald (DK), Halden Bookworks (NO), Eeva-Liisa Isomaa (FI), Thomas Iversen (NO), Kurt Johannessen (NO), Sarah Jost (SE/NO), Kamilla Jørgensen (DK), Ane Thon Knutsen (NO), Margrethe Kühle (DK/NO), Hans Ragnar Mathisen (NO), Terje Nicolaisen (NO), Lina Nordenström (SE), Magnus Pálsson (IS), Karen Pettersen (NO), Pist Protta (DK), Sandborg+Higgins (NO/UK), Kimmo Schroderus (FI), Marja-Leena Sillanpää (SE), Emilia Tanner (FI), Richard Årlin (SE).

Kristiansand Kunsthall, Rådhusgata 11, Kristiansand, Norway
Curator: Codex Polaris.
Seminar, Sept 1st. Program.

Verk: | artwork by Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir – Death or Memory

ÞRÆÐIR í Portland | THREADS in Nordia House, Portland, Oregon

🇮🇸 Sýningin THREADS | ÞRÆÐIR SPOR – Intertwined in Iceland: Textiles and Book Arts opnaði í Nordia House í Portland, Oregon í Bandaríkjunum, þann 8. júlí. Sýningin er á vegum menningarmiðstöðvarinnar Nordic Northwest og stendur til 5. nóvember 2023. Átta ARKIR sýna þar ásamt fjórum erlendum listakonum sem allar hafa starfað að list sinni í vinnustofum á Íslandi í lengri eða skemmri tíma.

Þátttakendur eru Anne Greenwood, Cornelia Theimer Gardella, Lyla Rown, Loo Bain og ARKIR: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

Móttaka og listamannaspjall verður 6. október, 2023, frá kl 18-20 í Nordia House (ókeypis og öllum opið – skráning hér). Fulltrúar okkar ARKA þar verða þær Svanborg Matthíasdóttir og Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, en þær kynna sýninguna ásamt Anne Greenwood, Cornelia Theimer Gardella, Loo Bain og Lyla Rowen. 

Tenglar: sjá sýningarsíðu Nordic Northwest og stafræna sýningu. Tenglar á heimasíður listamannanna neðst í póstinum.

Verk: | artwork by Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir – Sigling (Sailing)

🇬🇧 THREADS | ÞRÆÐIR SPOR – Intertwined in Iceland: Textiles and Book Arts opened in Nordic Northwest Nordia House í Portland, Oregon, USA on July 8. The exhibition is open until November 5, 2023. Eight ARKIR members exhibit works together with four artists from USA and Germany, who have all worked on their art in artist residencies in Iceland for a longer or shorter time.

Participants are Anne Greenwood, Cornelia Theimer Gardella, Lyla Rown, Loo Bain and ARKIR: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

Threads Exhibit Reception will be on October 6, 2023, from 6 PM to 8 PM at Nordia House (free to all – registration here). Two ARKIR members will take part in the event: Svanborg Matthíasdóttir and Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, along with artists Anne Greenwood, Cornelia Theimer Gardella, Loo Bain, and Lyla Rowen.

Links: see further exhibition information at NNW website and online exhibit. and follow the links to the artist’s homepages below.

Verk: | artwork by Svanborg Matthíasdóttir – Vefur (Web)

About the Artists:

Lyla Rowen works in textiles and clay ranging from functional craft to conceptual art. She is a 2013 PSU graduate, worked as fabricator at The Portland Garment Factory, and is recipient of a 2021 Oregon Arts Commission grant.

Loo Bain is a multimedia artist investigating ideas of history, material, earth science, and self. She has shown nationally in galleries, acquired private commissions, participated in artist residencies, and received artist grants including from Oregon Arts Commission, Regional Arts and Culture Council, and the Hallie Ford Foundation.

Anne Greenwood-Rioseco is a multidisciplinary artist whose work explores themes of time, spirituality and the transcendent genius of the natural world. The Oregon Arts Commission, the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Regional Arts and Culture Council, and the Hallie Ford Foundation have all financially supported her projects.

Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir works with visual art, book art and textile design. She studied at The Icelandic School of Arts and Crafts. Ingiríður has been active as a Visual Artist and designer since she graduated. Ingiríður has participated in numerous joint exhibitions in Iceland, Finland, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Belgium and USA. She seeks inspiration from nature and her surroundings.

Áslaug Jónsdóttir is an author of children’s books and a book artist. She studied visual arts in Reykjavik and Copenhagen and graduated as illustrator and graphic designer. Her children’s books have been published in many languages and she has received numerous awards for her works. In her artist books she works with poetry, photographic images and sculptural paper cuts.

Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir is a visual artist working mainly with artist-books and paintings. She graduated from Copenhagen, Danmarks design school, now DAKA 1987. Since then she has focused on teaching and doing her own art. Sigurborg has held private exhibitions approximately every other year and taken part in multiple co exhibitions worldwide, both paintings and artists books.

Svanborg Matthíasdóttir works mainly with painting, book art and textiles. Her works are often based on color, form or experiments with non-traditional materials. She is educated in painting in the Icelandic College of Art and Crafts Reykjavík and Jan van Eyck Akademie in Maastricht in the Netherlands. Her works have been exhibited in Iceland, Europe and the United States.

Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir works with various kinds of textile and book art and has been a part of numerous exhibitions in Iceland and abroad. She graduated in 1988 from the textile department of The University of Art and Design, Helsinki Finland. Prior to that she had graduated with a B. Ed degree from the Iceland University of Education.

Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir is a visual artist. In her textiles and artist books she works with traditional textile and fiber techniques, expressing natures visual qualities, in form and image, texture and atmosphere. She has an education in textile art and design from The Icelandic School of Arts and Crafts and as a teacher in adult education from Håndarbejdet Fremmes Seminarium in Copenhagen. She has participated in exhibitions in Iceland and abroad and lives and works in Reykjavík.

Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir works with visual arts, design teaching, graphic and book arts. Studied at the The Icelandic School of Arts and Crafts and have M.Ed degree in art history and vocational education from University of Iceland. Has held private and joint exhibitions in Iceland and various corners of the world, such as Lithuania, Denmark, Germany, USA and Sweden.

Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir creates through exploring patterns, textures and color combinations in her everyday surroundings, addressing feelings, memory and experience. Her works can be found in numerous private and university collections in the US and Canada and at the Library of Congress. Kristín earned a MA degree in Art and the Book from Corcoran College of Art and Design in Washington DC. She also has a B.Ed. from the Iceland University of Education.

Cornelia Theimer Gardella is a visual artist living and working in Erfurt, Germany. Her work revolves around experiencing sparse landscapes and remote places. She is interested in patterns and structures, and the line of the horizon is a recurring theme. Besides spending time in the deserts of the American Southwest, she has worked in Iceland, Sweden and Finland.

Bókverkamessan í Bergen | BABF – Bergen Art Book Fair

🇮🇸 Bókverkamessan Bergen Art Book Fair hefst í dag, föstudaginn 14. apríl 2023, en þar sýna nokkrar ARKIR verk sín í boði í listahópsins Codex Polaris. Bókverkakaupstefnan í Bergen stendur til sunnudagsins 16. apríl.

🇬🇧 Bergen Art Book Fair is held this weekend from Friday April 14 to Sunday April 16. Members of ARKIR join by invitation of the artist group Codex Polaris, who will be showcasing some of the Nordic Artists who will be participating in the Kunstnerboken exhibition at Kristiansand Kunsthall and folkebiblioteket in the autumn. 

Bókverkamessan í Reykjavík | Reykjavík Art Book Fair 2023

Ljósmyndir: | Photos: Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir,
Áslaug Jónsdóttir og Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir.

🇮🇸 Bókverkamessan: Reykjavík Art Book Fair fór fram í Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsi, dagana 30. mars til 2. apríl, 2023. ARKIR voru meðal þátttakenda á RABF en messan er nú haldin í annað sinn og heppnaðist sérlega vel. Þátttakendur og gestir komu víða að, bæði erlendir og innlendir.

UM RABF: Líkt og á sambærilegum viðburðum víðsvegar um heiminn koma innlend og erlend forlög, útgefendur og listamenn saman á Reykjavík Art Book Fair og selja eigin verk og útgáfur milliliðalaust. Fyrsta útgáfa Reykjavík Art Book Fair heppnaðist sérlega vel, með útgáfuhófum, miklu lífi og fjöri og fjölmörgum gestum.
Á listbókamessum ægir gjarnan saman sjálfstætt starfandi listamönnum og listamannareknum rýmum, galleríum, söfnum og óhefðbundnum bókaforlögum, aðgerðarsinnum, ljóðskáldum, listnemum, bóhemum og menningarvitum sem kynna eða kynna sér bókverk, ritlinga (zine), hönnunargripi, listtímarit, fjölfeldi, hlutfeldi, sýningaskrár, catalogue raisonné, ljóðabækur og fleira áhugavert.
Reykjavík Art Book Fair er unnið í samstarfi við Listasafn Reykjavíkur og Listaháskóla Íslands með stuðningi frá Reykjavíkurborg.

Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson frá Prenti og vinum, Edda Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir, Helga Dögg Ólafsdóttir og Ólöf Rut Stefánsdóttir áttu heiður að skipulagi og framkvæmd RABF 2023. Húrra fyrir þeim!

Við þökkum öllum gestum sem komu á básinn til ARKA kærlega fyrir komuna!

🇬🇧 Reykjavík Art Book Fair was held at the Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhús, from Thursday March 30 to Sunday April 2, 2023. ARKIR were among the exhibitors at RABF, a growing artist’s book fair. The weekend was a great success and we thank all the visitors who came to our booth for coming! Participants and guests were both local and from abroad. There were so many inspiring works and interesting books!

ABOUT THE FAIR: The Reykjavík Art Book Fair brings together participants from the local creative scene as well as from abroad to show and sell their work, socialise and have a joyful weekend. It whips up a mélange of artists, creative publishers, galleries, museums, artist-run spaces, bohemians, lords and ladies, activists, writers, poets and students to buy and sell their work and published material, art books, zines, creative writing, limited editions, multiples, catalogue raisonné and more.
The first edition of the Reykjavík Art book Fair, hosted in 2021, was a huge success, full of life, events and a great number of guests. We look forward to welcoming participants and guests to this year’s edition.
The Reykjavík Art Book Fair is in collaboration with the Reykjavík Art Museum and the Iceland University of the Arts with support of the City of Reykjavík.

The board of the Reykjavík Art Book Fair: Helga Dögg Ólafsdóttir (graphic designer), Ólöf Rut Stefánsdóttir (product designer) and Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson (visual artist).

Hopefully RABF will be held every year from now on, we look forward to seeing you!

Click on the images to enlarge | Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka.

ARKIR á nýju ári | New art projects in 2023

Bókverk á mynd: | Artwork in image: Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir.

🇮🇸 Á árinu 2023 eru 25 ár liðin síðan fyrstu meðlimir ARKA-hópsins komu saman og hófu margvíslegt samstarf um bókverkalist: listsýningar, fræðslu og sköpun. ARKIR stefna ótrauðar áfram og nú þegar er þátttaka ARKA í tveimur nýjum sýningum í fullum undirbúningi.

THREADS | ÞRÆÐIR SPOR – Intertwined in Iceland: Textiles and Book Arts opnar í norræna húsinu Nordia House í Portland, Oregon í Bandaríkjunum, þann 8. júlí og stendur til 5. nóvember 2023. Átta ARKIR sýna þar ásamt fjórum erlendum listakonum sem allar hafa starfað að list sinni í vinnustofum á Íslandi í lengri eða skemmri tíma.

Þátttakendur: Anne Greenwood, Cornelia Theimer Gardella, Lyla Rown, Loo Bain og ARKIR: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig í Kristiansand Kunsthall í Noregi er yfirlitssýning á norrænum bókverkum með þátttöku listamanna frá öllum Norðurlöndunum. Sýningin er einkum tileinkuð einstökum bókverkum sem falla utan hefðbundinna fjölfaldaðra bókverka. Sýningarstjórn er í höndum Codex Polaris í samvinnu við Kristiansand Kunsthall and Kristiansand folkebibliotek. Sýningin opnar 2. september og stendur til 29. október 2023.

Þátttakendur: ARKIR Book Art Group (IS) (Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Jóhanna M. Tryggvadóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir), Susanna Autio (FI), Michal Czinege (SK/FI), Olle Essvik (SE), Carina Fihn (SE), Duncan Higgins & Johan Sandberg (UK/NO), Karin Hald (DK), Halden Bookworks (NO), Eeva-Liisa Isomaa (FI), Thomas Iversen (NO), Kurt Johannessen (NO), Sarah Jost (SE/NO), Kamilla Jørgensen (DK), Ane Thon Knutsen (NO), Margrethe Kühle (DK), Hans Ragnar Mathisen (NO), Terje Nicolaisen (NO), Lina Nordenström (SE), Magnús Pálsson (IS), Karen Pettersen (NO), Pist Protta (DK), Vibeke Luther O’Rourke (NO), Kimmo Schroderus (FI), Marja-Leena Sillanpää (SE), Emilia Tanner (FI), Richard Årlin (SE).

Eins og gefur að skilja funda ARKIR stíft vegna undirbúnings og þátttöku í þessum sýningum. Við eigum spennandi ár í vændum!

🇬🇧 In the year 2023, 25 years have passed since the first members of ARKIR Book Arts Group came together and began collaborations on book art: art exhibitions, education and art creation. ARKIR is steadily heading into its 25th year of operation, and two exhibitions are already in full preparation.

THREADS | ÞRÆÐIR SPOR – Intertwined in Iceland: Textiles and Book Arts opens in Nordic Northwest Nordia House í Portland, Oregon, USA on July 8, – open until November 5, 2023. Eight ARKIR members will exhibit works together with four artists (from USA and Germany) who have all worked on their art in artist residencies in Iceland for a longer or shorter time.

PARTICIPANTS: Anne Greenwood, Cornelia Theimer Gardella, Lyla Rown, Loo Bain and ARKIR: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

‘KUNSTNERBOKEN – ​unik og mangfoldig’ i Kristiansand Kunsthall, Norway, is a retrospective exhibition of Nordic artist book with the participation of artists from all the Nordic countries. The exhibition is mainly dedicated to unique book art that fall outside the traditional multiple works. The exhibition is curated by Codex Polaris in collaboration with Kristiansand Kunsthall and Kristiansand folkebibliotek. The exhibition opens September 2, and runs until October 29, 2023.

Participating Artists and Artists groups: ARKIR Book Art Group (IS), Susanna Autio (FI), Michal Czinege (SK/FI), Olle Essvik (SE), Carina Fihn (SE), Duncan Higgins & Johan Sandberg (UK/NO), Karin Hald (DK), Halden Bookworks (NO), Eeva-Liisa Isomaa (FI), Thomas Iversen (NO), Kurt Johannessen (NO), Sarah Jost (SE/NO), Kamilla Jørgensen (DK), Ane Thon Knutsen (NO), Margrethe Kühle (DK), Hans Ragnar Mathisen (NO), Terje Nicolaisen (NO), Lina Nordenström (SE), Magnús Pálsson (IS), Karen Pettersen (NO), Pist Protta (DK), Vibeke Luther O’Rourke (NO), Kimmo Schroderus (FI), Marja-Leena Sillanpää (SE), Emilia Tanner (FI), Richard Årlin (SE).

Hence, ARKIR are busy preparing art works, shipping and travels. We have an exciting year ahead!

Bókaðar í MUU! | BOOKED in MUU

🇮🇸 Um helgina opnaði bókverkasýningin BOOKED 2022 í MUU, samtímalistamiðstöðinni í Helsinki. Þar eru til sýnis yfir 300 valin listverk eftir 286 listamenn. Á meðal valinna verka eru bókverk eftir Sigurborgu Stefánsdóttur.

Norræna bókverkasafnið Bibliotek Nordica var einnig valið á sýninguna. Bibliotek Nordica er eitt af verkefnum Codex Polaris og samanstendur af bókverkum meira en 80 valdra listamanna, hönnuða, rithöfunda og prentlistamanna (sjá sýningarskrá hér). Sex ARKIR eiga þar verk: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

Sýningin BOOKED stendur frá 26. nóvember til 18. desember 2022 í MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki.

🇬🇧 This weekend the exhibition BOOKED opened 2022 in MUU, Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, exhibiting over 300 artist’s books, limited edition publications and artworks by 286 artists. Among selected artists from open call is ARKIR member Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir.

The exhibition is devoted to books made by artists, conceptual literature and text-based artworks that is organized by MUU, Finland’s interdisciplinary art association. Included in the exhibition is Bibliotek Nordica, a book art project run by Codex Polaris, representing more than 80 selected artists, designers, writers, and printmakers from the Nordic Countries. Six members of ARKIR: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir, are represented in the art book library. For more information see website: Bibliotek Nordica and catalog here.

The exhibition BOOKED will run from 26 November to 18 December 2022 in MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki.

Myndir frá opnun SPOR EFTIR SPOR | Photos from opening

🇮🇸 Textílbókverkasýningin SPOR EFTIR SPOR opnaði 6. október 2022, í sýningarrými Handverks og hönnunar á Eiðistorgi og ARKIR fögnuðum með gestum sínum.

Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka. Click on images to enlarge.

Sýningin er framhald af samvinnu- og sýningarverkefninu SPOR | TRACES í Heimilisiðnaðarsafninu á Blönduósi, 2020-2022, en þar sýndu ARKIR bókverk ásamt erlendum gestum. Það verkefni má kynna sér nánar hér: SPOR | TRACES. 

Sýningin er opin frá kl 12-16 mánudaga til laugardaga, út október. Lokadagur 31. október.

🇬🇧 ARKIR’s textile book art exhibition SPOR EFTIR SPOR or “STICH BY STICH”, opened October 6, 2022, in the exhibition space of Handverk og hönnun / Crafts and Design, located at Eidistorg, Seltjarnarnes. ARKIR celebrated with friends and guests.

The exhibition is a continuation of the international project SPOR | TRACES that lead to a two year exhibition at the Textile Museum in Blönduós in 2020-2022. Read more about that project here: SPOR | TRACES. 

The exhibition is open from 12 noon to 4 pm Monday to Saturday, throughout October.

Ljósmyndir: Svanborg Matthíasdóttir og Áslaug Jónsdóttir.

SPOR EFTIR SPOR | Exhibition opening soon!

🇮🇸 Textílbókverkasýningin SPOR EFTIR SPOR opnar á fimmtudag, 6. október 2022, í sýningarrými Handverks og hönnunar á Eiðistorgi. Sýningin er framhald af samvinnu- og sýningarverkefninu SPOR | TRACES í Heimilisiðnaðarsafninu á Blönduósi, 2020-2022, en þar sýndu ARKIR bókverk ásamt erlendum gestum. Það verkefni má kynna sér nánar hér: SPOR | TRACES. 

Sýningin er opin frá kl 12-16 mánudaga til laugardaga, út október. Lokadagur 31. október.

🇬🇧 ARKIR’s textile book art exhibition SPOR EFTIR SPOR or “STICH BY STICH”, opens on Thursday, October 6, 2022, in the exhibition space of Handverk og hönnun / Crafts and Design, located at Eidistorg, Seltjarnarnes. The exhibition is a continuation of the international project SPOR | TRACES that lead to a two year exhibition at the Textile Museum in Blönduós in 2020-2022. Read more about that project here: SPOR | TRACES. 

The exhibition is open from 12 noon to 4 pm Monday to Saturday, throughout October.

Bókverk á kynningarmynd: | Book art by Bryndís Bragadóttir
Veggspjald hönnun: | Poster design: Áslaug Jónsdóttir

OPIN BÓK í New Jersey | ARKIR at New York Textile Month 2022

🇮🇸 Þrjár ARKIR sýna bókverk í Mana Contemporary, Jersey City, NJ. á vegum Monira Foundation í tenglsum við New York Textile Month 2022. Helga Pálína, Svanborg og Ingiríður eiga þar verk ásamt Ernesto Carozzo, en viðburðurinn tengist sýningunni Tectonic threads þar sem 20 textíllistamenn frá Íslandi og New York sýna verk. Sýningin OPEN BOOK stendur frá 11.-18. september 2022.

🇬🇧 ARKIR members Helga Pálína Brynjólfsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir exhibit textile art books at Mana Contemporary, in Jersey City, NJ, this week, along with artist Ernesto Carozzo. The event is presented by Monira Foundation in collaboration with New York Textile Month. The book art exhibition is in connection with a larger exhibition of textile art by 20 women artists from Iceland and New York, Tectonic threads, – all part of New York Textile Month 2022. The exhibition OPEN BOOK opens Sunday 11 September and closes Sunday 18 September, 2022.

SIGLA BINDA | Exhibition ending soon!

🇮🇸 Bókverkasýningunni SIGLA BINDA, samvinnuverkefni 10 listamanna úr Codex Polaris frá Noregi og Örkum á Íslandi, lýkur nú um helgina, en síðasti sýningardagur er sunnudagurinn 17. júlí 2022. Á myndbandinu má sjá verkin í sal Íslenskrar grafíkur í Hafnarhúsinu, Tryggvagötu 17 í Reykjavík. Sýningin er opin frá kl 13 -17.

🇬🇧 The exhibition SIGLA BINDA [SAILING BINDING] is coming to an end at art gallery of the Icelandic Printmakers Association in Reykjavík. Five Norwegian artists of the artist group Codex Polaris and five members from ARKIR exhibit their works.

This weekend is the last chance to see the exhibition: on Saturday 16th of July and Sunday 17th of July, 2022. The exhibition is open from 1 pm to 5 pm at the art gallery of Íslensk Grafík, Icelandic Printmakers Association, Hafnarhús, (entrance facing the harbour) Tryggvagata 17 in Reykjavík.

MYNDBAND: | VIDEO: Íslensk Grafík / Viktor.

Fleiri myndir | More photos:
Myndir frá SIGLA BINDA í Gallery Entrée
í Bergen.
Photos from the exhibition at Gallery Entrée in Bergen.
Myndir frá opnun sýningarinnar í sal Íslenskrar grafíkur í Reykjavík.
Photos from the exhibition opening in Reykjavík.

Umfjöllun | Reviews: 
Numermagasin: SIGLA BINDA – eit samarbeid over landegrensene 21.12.2021
Artviewer: Sigla Binda at Entrée 03.01.2022

SIGLA BINDA | Photos from the exhibition opening

🇮🇸 Bókverkasýningin SIGLA BINDA, samvinnuverkefni 10 listamanna úr Codex Polaris frá Noregi og Örkum á Íslandi, opnaði fimmtudaginn 16. júní í sal Íslenskrar grafíkur í Hafnarhúsinu, við fögnuð listamannanna og góðra gesta. Ljósmyndirnar eru frá undirbúningi og opnun sýningarinnar og af nokkrum verkum á sýningunni.

Hér ofar, frá vinstri: | above, from left:
Imi Maufe, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir, Svanborg Matthíasdóttir, Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Rita Marhaug, Solveig Landa, Nanna Gunhild Amstrup, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Randi Annie Strand.

Athugið að sýningin hefur verið framlengd til 18. júlí 2022. Sýningin er í sal Íslenskrar grafíkur í Hafnarhúsinu, Tryggvagötu 17 í Reykjavík, og er opin fimmtudaga, föstudaga, laugardaga og sunnudaga frá kl 13 -17.

🇬🇧 The exhibition SIGLA BINDA [SAILING BINDING] opened on June 16th in the art gallery of the Icelandic Printmakers Association at Hafnarhús in Reykjavík, Tryggvagata 17. Five Norwegian artists of the artist group  Codex Polaris and five members from ARKIR celebrated their art along with good guests at the opening. The photos are from the installation and opening.

The exhibition has been extended to July 18, 2022. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm Íslensk Grafík, Hafnarhús, (entry facing the harbour) Tryggvagata 17 in Reykjavík.

Myndir frá uppsetningu | Installation work:

Click on the images to enlarge | Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka.

Sýningaropnun | Opening:

Click on the images to enlarge | Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka.

🇮🇸 Gestir sýndu verkunum áhuga, þ.á.m. var sendiherra Noregs á Íslandi, Aud Lise Norheim (t.h). 🇬🇧 Interested guests at the opening, among them Norways ambassador to Iceland, Aud Lise Norheim (right).

Ljósmyndir: | Photos: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

UPPFÆRT 22. júní: Fleiri myndir | More photos – by Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir

Fleiri myndir | More photos:
Myndir frá SIGLA BINDA í Gallery Entrée
í Bergen.
Photos from the exhibition at Gallery Entrée in Bergen.

Umfjöllun | Reviews: 
Numermagasin: SIGLA BINDA – eit samarbeid over landegrensene 21.12.2021
Artviewer: Sigla Binda at Entrée 03.01.2022

Nokkur verk á sýningunni | Selected works from the exhibition: 

Click on the images to enlarge | Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka.

SIGLA – BINDA: sýningaropnun 16. júní | SAILING – BINDING opening soon!

🇮🇸 Bókverkasýningin SIGLA BINDA opnar 16. júní n.k. í sýningarsal Íslenskrar Grafíkur, Tryggvagötu 17. Sýningin er samvinnuverkefni tveggja listhópa sem lagt hafa áherslu á bókverkalist: íslenska listahópsins ARKA og norska hópsins Codex Polaris. Sjá nánar í fyrri frétt. 

Þátttakendur í sýningunni eru: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir, Svanborg Matthíasdóttir, Nanna Gunhild Amstrup, Solveig Landa, Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe og Randi Annie Strand.

Myndir frá sýningunni í Gallery Entrée í Bergen.
Photos from the exhibition at Gallery Entrée in Bergen.

Umfjöllun | Reviews: 
Numermagasin: SIGLA BINDA – eit samarbeid over landegrensene 21.12.2021
Artviewer: Sigla Binda at Entrée 03.01.2022


🇬🇧 The exhibition SIGLA – BINDA will open soon: on June 16th in the art gallery of the Icelandic Printmakers Association at Hafnarhús in Reykjavík, Tryggvagata 17. See previous post about the exhibition here.

The exhibitors are five Norwegian artists of th artist group Codex Polaris: Nanna Gunhild Amstrup, Solveig Landa, Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe and Randi Annie Strand, – along with five members of ARKIR: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

Veggspjald: | Poster design: Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir.

SIGLA – BINDA í sýningarsal Íslenskrar Grafíkur | SAILING – BINDING – upcoming exhibition

Haf – Svanborg Matthíasdóttir

🇮🇸 SIGLA BINDA er samvinnuverkefni tveggja listhópa sem lagt hafa áherslu á bókverkalist: íslenska listahópsins ARKA og norska hópsins Codex Polaris. Norsku listamennirnir eru fimm og fimm ARKIR tóku þátt í verkefninu. Kveikjan að samstarfinu er sameiginleg ástríða allra þátttakenda fyrir bókverkalistinni, metnaður til að skapa nýja list og áhuga fyrir samvinnu og samtali um menningararfinn. Menning Íslands og Noregs á sér sameiginlegar rætur, í tungumáli og frásagnarhefð, í sögu þjóðanna og lífsbaráttu í norðrinu.

Et godt sted å våkne – Nanna Gunhild Amstrup

Sagnirnar að „sigla“ og „binda“ eru algeng orð á norsku og íslensku sem ennþá hafa sömu merkingu á báðum tungum. Þau hafa bæði hlutbundna og óhlutbundna merkingu sem tengist tilveru beggja þjóða. Orðin tengjast hefðum og nýsköpun í list okkar, hafinu sem tengir löndin saman og sameiginlegri sögu. Afrakstur fyrri hluta samstarfsins var til sýnis í Gallery Entrée í Bergen 27. nóvember 2021 – 23. janúar 2022 og verkefnið í heild verður til sýnis í sal Íslenskrar Grafíkur í Hafnarhúsinu í Reykjavík, 16. júní – 3. júlí 2022. Sýningin er opin alla fimmtudaga til sunnudaga frá kl. 13 – 17.

Þátttakendur í sýningunni eru: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir, Svanborg Matthíasdóttir, Nanna Gunhild Amstrup, Solveig Landa, Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe og Randi Annie Strand.

Sigling – Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir

Fleiri myndir | More photos:
Myndir frá sýningunni í Gallery Entrée í Bergen.
Photos from the exhibition at Gallery Entrée in Bergen.

Umfjöllun | Reviews: 
Numermagasin: SIGLA BINDA – eit samarbeid over landegrensene 21.12.2021
Artviewer: Sigla Binda at Entrée 03.01.2022

Tingbod – Randi Strand

Villimey – Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir


🇬🇧 An exhibition from the Icelandic-Norwegian art project SIGLA – BINDA will open on June 16th in the art gallery of the Icelandic Printmakers Association at Hafnarhús in Reykjavík. Open until July 3rd, 2022. The exhibition is open Thursdays to Sundays from 1 pm – 5 pm.

The exhibitors are five Norwegian artists of th artist group Codex Polaris: Nanna Gunhild Amstrup, Solveig Landa, Rita Marhaug, Imi Maufe and Randi Annie Strand, – along with five members of ARKIR: Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir, Ingiríður Óðinsdóttir, Kristín Þóra Guðbjartsdóttir, Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir and Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.

Jare – Solveig Landa

Norske påvirkere – Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir

From Codex Polaris information site about the project

Is a cross-border collaboration rooted in the love of artist’s books, with ambitions to create art that touches both the mind and the eye. One rainy day in February 2019, the Norwegian book art group Codex Polaris (CP) and the Icelandic book art group Arkir met at North Bay Letterpress Arts (NBLA) in California. However, the history of CPs and Arkir goes further back. Five years ago, we established contact connected to CP’s initiative and planning of a joint Nordic participation at CODEX 2019; America’s largest book fair for “the handmade book as work of art”. In the aftermath of this impressive event, we have stayed in touch having in mind a joint exhibition concept with the book object in the centre.

To humankind the text-image combination and its physical carriers; the stone tablet, the papyrus scroll and the codex format, have had a magical attraction since the dawn of history. Overpowering objects that link us to the people of the past, to the divine and to the law. Norway and Iceland have common cultural roots, through the Norwegian settlement in Iceland, through language, storytelling traditions and not least through their connected book history. These two countries also share links in terms of shipping, fishing and other natural conditions. The iconic stories about Norway, written down in Iceland, are priceless and a central part defining our modern states and self-understanding as cultures, even today.

In the autumn of 2019, Flatøyboka was published in its entirety in Norwegian translation for the first time. Written in Iceland in the years 1387 – 1394, it is considered a unique work in world literature due to its scope and content, but also due to its beautiful, artistic design. During the rule of Denmark, the book was lost to Copenhagen. After long negotiations Iceland got it back in 1971, resulting in a festival in Reykjavik. In 2020, the city of Bergen celebrated its 950th anniversary. As part of this a specific focus has been on the book Codex Hardenbergianus, a particularly lavish edition of Magnus Lagabøte’s first national law from 1274, designed in Bergen. It is still owned by The Royal Library in Copenhagen and is currently on a long-term loan to the National Library in Oslo. The return of cultural treasures is a controversial global topic. The relocations may have saved many important objects and given them a safe place, but at the same time people have suffered priceless loss of important identity objects. In the 13th century, the powerful chief and poet Snorre Sturlason wrote down Norwegian history in the works The Younger Edda and Heimskringa. Above all, such stories show that the countries are closely intertwined. These are threads in a fascinating web of common cultural heritage and its clear manifestation in writing and book culture. In our project we understand the many threads as an opportunity to strengthen continued cultural coexistence: to travel and visit each other, see book treasures where they are, experience societies and cultures as they are today, and together make new connections and new works of art.  

The terms binda and sigla – which we have chosen as the title for our project, are two of many common words between Norwegian and Icelandic. They have both concrete and abstract meanings related to our existence  , to the sea that binds us together, to our artistic practice between tradition and innovation and to the historical ties between our nations.

Our target group is the art-interested audience, but also those who are curious about an old and important craft such as bookbinding. We hope that the exhibition concept of which Sigla–Binda will be shown in (Entrée, Bergen – november 2021 and Grafikehuset, Reykjavik June 2022) can arouse the interest of the many people interested in history when it comes to our references to Iceland and Norway’s common (written) culture.  

Búrfell – Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir

Malbik endar – Imi Maufe

Stella Polaris – Rita Marhaug

Ljósmyndir: | Photos: the artists.

ARKIR í Bristol | ARKIR at BABE 2022

🇮🇸 Þær fóru ekki tómhentar til Bristol, fulltrúar okkar ARKA, þær Svanborg, Inga, Bogga og Ösp, þegar þær mættu á bókverkamessuna BABE – Bristol Artist’s Book Event, sem fór fram 23.-24. apríl 2022 í Bower Ashton Studios. Bókverk ARKA af öllum gerðum vöktu athygli og það sama mátti segja um verkin frá PRENTI & VINUM sem fylgdu með í farteskinu og voru einnig á boðstólum. Á bókamessum sem þessum er mikið skoðað og margt skrafað, bókverk eru seld og keypt, sambönd myndast og innblástur kviknar.

Bókverkamessan hefur verið haldin í Bristol annað hvert ár síðan 2017, og reyndar með stafrænum viðburðum heimsfaraldursrárin 2020 og 2021. Fleiri myndir og myndbönd hér.

🇬🇧 ARKIR members Sigurborg, Ingiríður, Arnþrúður Ösp and Svanborg made the tour to Bristol for BABE – Bristol Artist’s Book Event during April 23 – 24 at the Bower Ashton Studios. The team of four brought along the manyfold works ARKIR and also works of artists at PRINT & FRIENDS. And of course they came back full of stories and inspiration. A book fair like this is not only for buyers and sellers but also a source of artistic impulses and international dialog with colleagues.

BABE has been held in Bristol every two years since 2017, with online events during the pandemic years 2020-2021. More photos / videos here.

Ljósmyndir: © Svanborg, Sigurborg, Arnþrúður Ösp og Ingiríður

Norðurlönd í brennidepli á BABE | The Nordic Focus at BABE

🇮🇸 Norræn bókverk voru í fókus á BABE 2022 og ARKIR voru því sérlegir gestir ásamt fleiri norrænum listamönnum. Við uppfærum fréttina með þessum myndum sem við fengum sendar frá Bristol. Ljósmyndari: © Niamh Fahy.

🇬🇧 BABE 2022 had a special “Nordic Focus” and ARKIR were invited along with other book artists and artist groups from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. We update this post with nice photos we received from Bristol. All photos below by © Niamh Fahy.

Nordic / Scandinavian artists at BABE 2022: Norway: Codex Polaris, Kurt Johannessen, Bergen Art Book Fair. Sweden: Lina Nordenström / Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet, Timglaset Editions, Malmö Artist Book Biennial, Eva Hejdström. Denmark: Pist Protta, Bladr – platform for artists’ books. Finland: Finnish Artists’ Books – curated and organised by Eeva Liisa Isomaa and Hannele Nyman. Iceland: ARKIR artists collective and Print & Friends.

Click on the images to enlarge | Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka.


Stefnt á bókamessu í Bristol | Bristol Artist’s Book Event 2022

🇮🇸 Dagana 23. – 24. apríl taka ARKIR þátt í BABE, bókverkamessunni í Bristol. Fjórar ARKIR halda til Bristol, en messan fer að þessu sinni fram í Bower Ashton studios, í University of the West of England. Auk verka ARKA munum við einnig sýna verk frá PRENTI & VINUM.
Bókverkastefnan stendur frá laugardegi 23. apríl til sunnudagsins 24. apríl 2022 frá kl 11 til 17 báða dagana. Gestir geta kynnt sér dagskrá og þátttakendur HÉR.

🇬🇧 ARKIR will take part in BABE, Bristol Artist’s Book Event, April 23rd-24th. Four members travel to show our books and meet other book artist at the fair. ARKIR will also be representing books from other Icelandic artists at PRINT & FRIENDS. Bristol Artist’s Book Event will be taking place at UWE Bristol’s City Campus Bower Ashton over the weekend of Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th April 2022, 11am – 5pm each day. For more info visit follow this LINK.

Sýningarlok á Blönduósi – SPOR | TRACES – Exhibition comes to an end

🇮🇸  Sýningunni okkar, SPOR | TRACES í Heimilisiðnaðarsafninu á Blönduósi, lauk nú í byrjun apríl eftir tveggja ára sýningartímabil. Sýningartíminn var framlengdur vegna heimsfaraldursins, en við stöndum aldeilis ekki í sömu sporum og þá. Verkin munu verða sýnd víðar og við birtum fréttir um það síðar.

Fjórar ARKIR sinntu niðurtökunni fyrir norðan, en nutu góðrar aðstoðar Anne Greenwood, Cornelia Theimer Gardella og fleiri listamanna, en þær tvær áttu einnig verk á sýningunni og dvelja nú á Textíllistamiðstöðinni Ós. 

Elínu S. Sigurðardóttur safnstjóra þökkum við samstarfið og góðar mótttökur fyrr og síðar. Upplýsingar um sýninguna, verkin og skapara þeirra má áfram finna á síðunni hér: SPOR | TRACES. 

🇬🇧 Our exhibition SPOR | TRACES at the Textile Museum in Blönduós came to an end in April when we packed all objects and artworks after an exhibition period of two years – prolonged due to the pandemic. Many thanks to museum director Elín and all participants. Special thanks to Anne, Cornelia, Lyla and Loo who helped with packing!

Photos and information on the exhibited works and their creators are still available on this page: SPOR | TRACES.

Ljósmyndir | photos: © Áslaug Jónsdóttir, Svanborg Matthíasdóttir, Anne Greenwood | the artists

LAND – sýning á Skriðuklaustri opnuð | Book art exhibition at Skriðuklaustur Centre for Culture & History

🇮🇸 Á dögunum héldu fjórar ARKIR austur í Fljótsdal með bókverkasýningu í farteskinu. Sýningin LAND opnaði svo á Skriðuklaustri laugardaginn 2. apríl 2022. Ingiríður, Anna Snædís, Sigurborg og Svanborg önnuðust uppsetningu og sýningarstjórn og nutu aðstoðar og gestrisni starfsfólks Skriðuklausturs. Sýninguna er að finna í tveimur sýningarrýmum í húsinu: „Stásstofunni“ og „Gallerí Klaustur“. Opið er 11 -17 alla daga meðan sýningin stendur yfir. Sýningarlok eru sunnudaginn 1. maí klukkan 17.00.

🇬🇧 On April 2nd ARKIR opened the book art exhibition LAND at Skriðuklaustur, Centre of Culture and History, Fljótsdalur, East Iceland. Four ARKIR members: Ingiríður, Anna Snædís, Sigurborg and Svanborg took care of the exhibition curation and installation and enjoyed the help and hospitality of Skriðuklaustur’s staff. The art works are installed in two exhibition spaces in the building: “Stásstofan” and “Galleri Klaustur”. The centre is open 11 -17 every day during the exhibition. The exhibition ends on Sunday 1 May at 17.00.

Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka. | Click on images for larger view.
Ljósmyndir: Svanborg Matthíasdóttir

🇮🇸 Verkin á sýningunni hafa mörg hver verið sýnd víða um heim en að þessu sinni hafa verkin verið valin sérstaklega með sýningarrými Skriðuklausturs í huga. Heiti sýningarinnar, LAND, hefur víða og fjölþætta skírskotun sem snertir hvert mannsbarn. Ef til vill eru fá orð merkingarþrungnari, nú þegar við blasa umbrotatímar í náttúru og mannheimum. Landið er grundvöllur lífsins, jörðin sem við ræktum og höfum undir fótum, landið er fósturjörð og fjarlæg lönd, undirstaða sjálfsmyndar einstaklinga og þjóða.

🇬🇧 Many of the works have been exhibited previously in Iceland and abroad around the world, but this time the works have been selected especially with Skriðuklaustur’s exhibition spaces in mind, but new works are also exhibited here for the first time. The name of the exhibition, LAND, has a wide reference that every human being can relate to. Perhaps few words are more relevant and important now that we are facing times of upheaval both in nature and communities of men. The land is the basis of life, the land we cultivate and have under our feet, the land is a homeland and far-away lands, the basis of the identity of individuals and nations.

Smellið á myndirnar til að stækka. | Click on images for larger view.
Ljósmyndir: Svanborg Matthíasdóttir

🇮🇸 Hér fyrir ofan: einstakar, handgerðar skissu- og minnisbækur í safnverslun Skriðuklausturs.
🇬🇧 Above: One-of-a-kind handmade sketchbooks in the museum shop at Skriðuklaustur.

Ljósmyndir: Svanborg Matthíasdóttir og Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir

LAND á Skriðuklaustri | Book Art at Skriðuklaustur Centre for Culture & History

🇮🇸 Sýningin LAND opnar á Skriðuklaustri í Fljótsdal laugardaginn 2. apríl kl 14.00. Opið er 11 -17 alla daga meðan sýningin stendur yfir. Sýningarlok eru sunnudaginn 1. maí klukkan 17.00.

Verkin á sýningunni hafa mörg hver verið sýnd víða um heim en að þessu sinni hafa verkin verið valin sérstaklega með sýningarrými Skriðuklausturs í huga. Heiti sýningarinnar, LAND, hefur víða og fjölþætta skírskotun sem snertir hvert mannsbarn. Ef til vill eru fá orð merkingarþrungnari, nú þegar við blasa umbrotatímar í náttúru og mannheimum. Landið er grundvöllur lífsins, jörðin sem við ræktum og höfum undir fótum, landið er fósturjörð og fjarlæg lönd, undirstaða sjálfsmyndar einstaklinga og þjóða.

🇬🇧 LAND – book art exhibition. Opening on April 2nd at 2 pm in Skriðuklaustur, Centre of Culture and History, Fljótsdalur, East Iceland.

Bókverk á veggspjaldi | book art by: Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.
Hönnun | poster design: Áslaug Jónsdóttir

Sýningar í undirbúningi | Exhibitions 2022

🇮🇸 Þessa dagana vinna ARKIR ötullega að undirbúningi á margvíslegum bókverkasýningum. Í byrjun næsta mánuðar opnar sýning á Skriðuklaustri í Fljótsdal og 23.-24. apríl taka ARKIR þátt í BABE, bókverkamessunni í Bristol. Þá eru sýningar fyrirhugaðar í Reykjavík í sumar og haust og á næsta ári þiggjum við boð um að sýna í Portland, Oregon. Allt krefst undirbúnings og áætlana svo það er í mörgu að snúast!

🇬🇧 ARKIR are currently working on various book art exhibitions. At the beginning of next month, an exhibition opens in Skriðuklaustur, Centre of Culture and History in East Iceland and ARKIR will also take part in BABE, Bristol Artist’s Book Event, April 23rd-24th. Exhibitions are also planned in Reykjavík this summer and fall and we have accept invitation to exhibit in Portland, Oregon in 2023. All events require preparation and planning so ARKIR have their hands full at the moment!

Verk á myndum eftir: | Images: art works by: Sigurborg Stefánsdóttir, Anna Snædís Sigmarsdóttir,
Arnþrúður Ösp Karlsdóttir og Svanborg Matthíasdóttir.